We all make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you have to let one mistake ruin your life. If you or your loved one has been charged with a DWI, driving while intoxicated in Missouri, contact our experienced law firm to discuss your case with our DWI lawyer. We will work hard to reduce the penalties for your DWI charge.
Why You Need a DWI Lawyer for a DWI Charge
It’s no secret that DWIs are bad, not just for your reputation but for your wallet, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a second (or third) chance. Whether this is your first DWI charge or just one of many, hiring a DWI lawyer is always beneficial.
Access to a Professional Who Knows the Ins and Outs
The truth is that there are just way too many laws and regulations for you to understand on your own. When you hire a DWI lawyer, you are guaranteed access to a professional who knows the legal system like the back of their hand. They know the strategies to get the judge to reduce your fines and even give you a shorter jail sentence if needed.
We Can Get Your License Back
If you were unfortunate enough to lose your license or get it suspended from a DWI charge, at Holder Susan Slusher LLC, we will do everything in our power to get your license reinstated.
We Will Save You Time and Money
While it does cost money to hire legal services, it costs even more if your case goes to trial. By hiring a DWI lawyer at Holder Susan Slusher LLC, you will be provided with our best DWI attorney, who will work hard to get your case dismissed. This means more money in your pocket! We will also be able to save you time by making sure you are in court only when you absolutely have to be.
Why Choose Holder Susan Slusher LLC As Your DWI Lawyer?
If you reside in Missouri and recently were charged with a DWI, you can trust our experienced DWI attorney, Bogden Susan. He is committed to giving you the best defense possible because he believes everyone makes mistakes, and it shouldn’t define your whole life!
Schedule a Free Consultation Today
Contact Holder Susan Slusher LLC today in Columbia, MO, at 573-499-1700 to schedule your free DWI consultation with our experienced DWI defense attorney. We will walk you through the legal process and offer much-needed advice.