Brain & Spine Injury Lawyer Columbia MO

Brain & Spine Injury Lawyer in Columbia, MO

Accidents in Missouri can result in a wide range of injuries ranging from fractures and broken bones to catastrophic head, neck, and spinal cord injuries. If you have suffered an injury in an auto accident, personal injury, or in an accident caused by another person's negligence, it is important to understand your options for recovery and whether filing a personal injury claim is in your best interests. Typical places car accidents may occur can be a parking lot, merging lane, or ramps.

After getting the medical treatment that you need, the next step is to talk with an attorney regarding your legal rights. The experienced lawyers at Holder Susan Slusher, LLC work with clients to reach their goals and help them move forward. Recovering compensation for your medical care and your long-term medical needs can make a difficult situation a little bit easier on you and your family.

Experienced Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers

Our attorneys have represented clients with a wide range of injuries from accidents, including:
Fractures and broken bones
Knee, shoulder and joint injuries
Neck injuries
Back injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Brain injuries

We also represent families in wrongful death claims following fatal accidents in Missouri. Through a wrongful death claim, we may be able to recover funeral costs, loss of consortium, lost wages and pain and suffering that was caused in the accident.

Speak With a Missouri Attorney after a Serious Injury

Get the representation that you deserve to protect your right to a fair recovery. Call our office today at 573-499-1700 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation and case review.

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