What To Do After a Wrongful Death Accident
After the loss of a loved one in a wrongful death accident, you’re likely experiencing high levels of stress and emotion. Despite this, your actions immediately following the accident are important as they can help you recover the compensation you deserve.
Instead of navigating this situation alone, contact a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible and take the following steps:
- Obtain a copy of the police report.
- Obtain copies of any medical records and bills, including ambulance or life-flight bills.
If you need help obtaining this information, the attorneys at Holder Susan Slusher, LLC can help you.
What Should I Do if an Insurance Company Contacts Me?
If any insurance company calls you about the accident, refer them to your wrongful death attorney. You should not give any information to the insurance company, as they can use it to deny your claim or offer you the least amount possible. The only information you should offer any insurance company, including your own, is the policy number, the date and location of the accident, and the contact information for your attorney.
Recovering Damages After a Wrongful Death Accident
There are two types of damages you can recover if you lose someone in a wrongful death accident: economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages have a monetary value, while non-economic damages don’t.
Economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, funeral expenses, burial expenses, and cremation expenses.
Non-economic damages include inconvenience, loss of consortium, pain and suffering, and loss of companionship.
Where To Find a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Columbia, MO
To learn more about wrongful death representation, speak with an attorney at Holder Susan Slusher, LLC. Schedule a free consultation at 573-499-1700. Our attorneys proudly serve Columbia, MO, and the surrounding areas.