Drowsy driving is a significant problem on America’s roads. Every year, thousands of people are killed or injured in car accidents that sleepy drivers cause. To raise awareness of this problem and promote drowsy driving prevention, the National Sleep Foundation has designated November 1-8 as Drowsy Driving Prevention Week.
If you are a driver, it is crucial to be aware of the dangers of drowsy driving and take steps to prevent it. If you are involved in a car accident that a drowsy driver caused, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a car accident lawyer in Columbia, MO, for more information.
What’s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week?
Over 6,400 deaths are caused by drowsy driving each year in the United States. The National Sleep Foundation sponsors Drowsy Driving Prevention Week (DDPW) each year. During this annual campaign, the goal is to reduce the number of drivers who drive while sleep-deprived.
The Dangers of Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving is a major safety concern on our roads today. Driving while tired can significantly impair your ability to concentrate and make good decisions. This can put you and others at risk of serious injury or death.
If you’re feeling tired while driving, it’s essential to take steps to avoid falling asleep at the wheel. Pull over, take a break if you need to, and ensure you get a good night’s sleep before getting behind the wheel again. Taking these precautions can help keep our roads safe for everyone.
Drowsy Driving Prevention Tips for the Week Ahead
During Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, we are raising awareness about the dangers of drowsy driving and how to prevent it. Here are some tips for how to stay awake on the road:
Get enough sleep: Most people need at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. You should get even more sleep the night before if you will be driving for a long time.
Take breaks: If you are feeling drowsy, pull over and take a nap or get some fresh air.
Stimulants: Caffeine can help to keep you awake. Drink coffee or energy drinks before driving, and take breaks to have more if you need it.
Slow down: If you are feeling drowsy, don’t try to push through it. Slow down and take a break.
Your Tireless Advocate
Call our Columbia, MO attorneys at 573-499-1700 if you or a loved one suffered injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. Our firm proudly represents injury victims in Missouri and surrounding areas.